Everywhere in France, many companies are committed to sustainable development by adopting responsible best practices.
To participate in the development of these best practices, CoreKap is lauching myRSE Network.
As a free download, myRSE Network is designed for executives who would like to:
- learn about CSR practices of their neighbors / colleagues / business / sector, to improve the CSR performance of their company,
- share their own CSR practices, to enhance their CSR approach,
- to connect with the actors involved in their territory, to pool CSR experiences,
- to animate their CSR project, to imply their stakeholders,
- to rely on local expertise, to advance in their approach,
- benefit from regular news, so as not to miss the latest updates from CSR.
Would you like to reference your company or share good practice in myRSE Network?
Simply complete the attached questionnaire and we will do the rest! (attention au lien hypertexte)
If you would like to contribute more, then why not become a partner?
Contact us: info@my-rse.com.